The future of leadership acknowledges all types of intelligence.
A reality where people are connected with people based on trust, social an emotional intelligence.
In 2021 bestselling author, Ulrik Nerløe, published his newest book: The Energy Path - The art of leading with love. A book written based on more than ten years experience of transforming management groups and company culture into a sustainable foundation on which the future can be build. A reality where people are connected with people based on trust, social and emotional intelligence.
It is about whether we put our heart into what we do every day; are we empty shells without energy, passion or joy? Or are you the right person in the right position who loves your job and therefore contributes as much as possible?
The potential is enormous!
- According to Gallup 76% of all employees feel burnt-out during their work life.
- 28% say they feel burnt-out “very often” or “always”.
This is supported by Ulrik’s personal experience where he witnesses that 50-70% of all employees do not bring their heart to work. Not because they consciously choose not to bring it, but because they have “forgotten” it or the framework does not support that they want to bring it.
This lecture focus on elementary aspects of self leadership and leadership of others through awareness of the energies we interact with. The lecture is filled with eye-opening experiences and good reminders. We must be better at leading ourselves in order to better at leading others on the basis of who we are and not just of what we are.
Ulrik gives us renewed focus on the huge influence we can have on our own way of life as long we move from being unconscious to more conscious. The lecture inspires through storytelling from previous culture transformations and above all Ulrik’s own life story and development, which have made a difference for people around the world.